Especially for the start, you can use this simple template to define, track and align your OKRs. Many smaller organisations with less than 50 employees or teams are doing fine with Google Sheets/ Microsoft Excel. Just give it a try, it’s completely free.
Concentrate on the methodology and use a super simplified OKR template.
One collaborative file that you can use across the company.
Contains the main OKR features you need to look at, but you can adjust it to your needs.
Use it during the definition phase, the alignment phase and during the cycle.
Hannes Albrecht
Experienced OKR Expert
Hannes looks back to more than 20 years of leadership and management experience in fast-growing, international organisations. He has used OKRs in his professional life and since 2013 he is specialised on OKRs, consulting organisations on how to implement and enable OKRs with a fast and efficient process. OKRs are adoptable to all sorts of organisations and offer a great framework with clear rules. Over the years he has coached and conducted OKR trainings for tens of thousands employees and brands like Daimler, Axel Springer Publishing, Strategyzer, Spreadshirt, Orange Telecom, Solaris Bank and many more…